Thursday, March 24, 2011

Interview: KIARA (actriz/cantante)

1< Porque escogiste ser actriz?
 creo que el universo conspira a favor de la misión que debes realizar. Estaba en mi primer divorcio y surgiò, la posibilidad de protagonizar asi de simple! Acepté. Tenía mas tiempo libre de escoger y dedicarme a todo lo que queria dentro del medio artistic, además me apasionan los retos.

2< Cual ha sido tu personaje favorito de todos los que has interpretado?
 Muchos pero el de La Mujer De Judas fue especilisimo y divertido.
 Dentro de toda la gama de emociones que debi interpretar.

3<  Te gusta hacer de buena o de mala en tus personajes?
 Definitivamente de mala muy mala! Jajajaaj.
Como mala tienes libertad de hacer muchas mAs cosas.
Te es permitido explorar muchas emociones y situaciones.

4< Como profesional, que esperan de ti?

Imagino que entretenimiento,  Pasion,  Corazon espontaneidad.

5< Cual es tu verdadera pasion en la vida?

Hablar de una sola es imposible, creo tener una personalidad compleja como tal mi pasión es sentir mas de un MOTIVO DE VIDA! a partir d alli ViVO.

6< En que te basas para escoger tus personajes ?

Mas bien ellos me escojen a mi. Siempre digo si, Jejeje y trato de adecuarlo a lo que yo creo debe ser el personaje para divertirme expresàndome a través de él.

7< Si te ofrecieran un buen Papel al lado de un actor que no te gusta o que no  te llevas bien con el lo aceptarias?
Me pasó alguna vez, termine llevandome super bien y limando asperezas, terminamos siendo muy amigos.

8 < Alguna vez has visto una telenovela y has deseado ser tu en lugar de la protagonist?

No, la verdad no me ha pasado nunca.

9 < Dime alGo especial sobre ti?
Cocino sabroso Jajaja, rissoto fenomenal.

10< como KIARA que te gusta mas ser cantante o actriz? cual es la verdadera kiara en tu opinion?
No hay una verdadera ni una falsa jajaja soy una sola llena de complejidades,de virtudes de defectos.
 llena d buenos momentos y de otros no tan buenos. ser humano como cualquiera con un DON: el de mi canto.
Con el me permiti ser actriz y animadora.
 soy simplemente una Sobreviviente.

11< regresaste a cantar despues de mucho tiempo, no teniste miedo despues de tanto tiempo?

Nunca deje de cantar siempre tengo compromisos privados y publicos.
Lo que si habia dejado de grabar en studio, fue divertido y espectante claro.
Me preguntaba como lo aceptaria el public, me llevé una grata sorpresas, estoy conteta mucho.
12< cuentame un poco sobre tu album con Noel Schjaris? y como te sientes?

Se llama “Como La Primera Vez”. Tiene once temas seis imbatibles como yo los llamo.
Los temas de siempre refrescados con arreglos fabulosos y seis ineditas dentro d las cuales esta el tema con Noel.

Extraordinario cantante fabuloso ser humano. Acabo de regresar de Mexico de grabar el video clip sencillo simple honesto que te llega. Estoy agradecida.

13< cual es tu opinon sobre la actriz y cantante Lorena Rojas?

No se mucho sobre ella, pero se que es muy famosa, hermosa y que la estiman mucho.

14< como sentiste trabajar con la bella actris Astrid Carolina Herrera?

No somos intimas, no obstante es una gran profesional y siempre ha hecho muy bien su trabajo, ademas muy guapa.

15< LA MUJER DE JUDAS que segnifica para usted?

Significó una gran oportunidad para demostrar que ademas de cantante era ACTRIZ.

16< Tu presonaje en Nadie me diria como quererte telenovela fue 1 fuerte especialmente en venezuela, cuentame sobre LAURA y como fue para usted jugar 1 character asi?
Laura fue el reto màs grande d mi carrera, una mujer emocionalmente controversial, intensa y lesbian.
Fue unreto tambien a nivel televisivo pues con todas las regulaciones del gobierno de chavez no era facil saber cuâl era el lîmite de lo que se podía mostrar y no.
Al final mi personaje junto con el de Hilda Abrahamz como “Mercedes” logró muchos adeptos, y hasta se hicieron dos finales.
 Nos casabamos y nos dimo el popular beso para el final internacional y para venezuela solo hubo agarrarse de manos.
Increíble en pleno siglo 21 y ante el gobierno mas corrupto de venezuela! Jajaj. En fin que Laura fue maravilloso para me.
17 < Cual es tu consejo sobre mi trabajo como directora,editora y escritora general  Que me aconseJarias ?
Me graduè de abogado como tal mi unico consejo ya que no manejo el tema del periodismo, es que hicieras todo con honestidad con corazon y sentido comun,  más no te tomes todo tan en serio.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Interview: Lorena Meritano (Actriz)

                                                                                                                          1<Porque escogiste ser actriz ?

En realidad actriz se nace,luego se va uno haciendo,estudiando,trabajando.
Yo  desde que nací mi familia y yo misma supe que era mi necesidad de expresarme a través del baile,la actuación y otras artes.

2< Cual ha sido tu personaje favorito de todos los que has interpretado ?

Karen ,de la serie La Lectora que filmé en Colombia con RCN.

3<  Te gusta hacer de buena o de mala en tus personajes ?
Me gusta los personajes complejos,intensos,con muchos matices,no me gustan los personajes lineales.

4< Como profesional, que esperan de ti ?
No sé que esperan yo sé lo que yo espero,seguir trabajando,con humildad,ser agradecida,tener buena memoria,avanzar como profesional a la par de avanzar como mujer y como persona.

5< Cual es tu verdadera pasion en la vida ?

6< En que te basas para escoger tus personajes ?
Muy pocas veces he podido escoger,generalmente ellos me escogen a mi. 

7< Si te ofrecieran un buen Papel al lado de un actor que n o te gusta o que n o  te llevas bien con el lo aceptarias ?
No tengo rollos personales con nadie. Y si es alguien que no tengo feeling,sentiría que la vida me da la oportunidad de tener un maestro enfrente.

8 < Alguna vez has visto una tele vela y has deseado ser tu en lugar de la protaGonista ?

9 < Dime alGo especial sobre ti ?
Soy una buena persona,familiera,en un profundo trabajo personal,amo mi familia,amo la vida. 

10 < Cual es tu consejo sobre mi trabajo como directora,editora y escritora general  Que me aconseJarias ?
1-Que seas fiel a tus convicciones,que no trances,que no mientas,que no tengas miedo.
2-Que seas justa,que no publiques,ni escribas cosas que no son ciertas,que no te guíes por rumores.
3-Que veas mucho cine,que leas mucho,que te sigas perfeccionando.

Interview : Jose Neif Jury Fabre

1- Can you tell me what is exactly your work, everything you do and own all over the world?

ProMéxico is the Trade & Investment promotion agency of the government of Mexico.
I'm the person in charge of supporting all the commercial and investment affairs between Mexico and the MENA region from the Mexican Government side.

I provide the right contacts in Mexico, the right advise to the people who want to visit Mexico and the people who want to come to the region to do Business.

We have offices in Montreal, Toronto, Vancouver, New York, Chicago, Dallas, Houston, Atlanta, Los Anegels, Miami, Brasil, Colombia, Guatemala, Chile, Argentina, Germany, France, UK,Sweden, Spain, Italy, Belgium, Kores, Beiging, Shanghai, Hong Kong, Japan, Taiwan, Singapur, India and the U.A.E.

2- Who came up with the idea of pro Mexico?

The government of Mexico trough a presidential decree in 2002.

3- Can you tell us about pro Mexico briefly?

Pro mexico helps the mexican exporters reach new markets and attracts investment into Mexico.

4- On what base do pro Mexico choose their employees?

In the middle east we prefer entrepreneurial, flexible and quick learners.

5-What would a girl majored in media “film and broadcast” can do in pro mexico?

Document in video the activites of ProMéxico and mainly the activities of the Genral Consulate of Mexico in Dubai, which is one of the entities who request support to ProMexico in this region.

Promote cultural activities such as higher integration between the Mexican and Emirati Film makers.

Promote Mexico, since culture is one of the best ways to promote a country.

6- What would a girl majored in media “PR” can do in pro mexico?

Hel pus rise the awarness of Mexico between the arabs and spceifically in the GCC region.

7- What are the things  that you can tell us about you that people might not know?

I guess: nothing, since I'm a public person.
 I like people, I like to teach, I like outdoor activities, I like movies, I like to cook, and I guess that's it.

8- How does it feel to be well known, and on Google?

I didn't know I'm well known, and I feel nothing because of this.

But I think that for my work is useful to be well known because this gives me credibility and helps my convocatory power to invite more people to work with Mexico.

9- Do you think that in order to succeed we have to be famous?

Is not mandatory but is useful.

10- Talent, great idea or money which is the most important key that leads to success? Why?

Talent and great ideas.

11- Since you moved to Dubai city, what changed in your life?

Here I'm alone, because i have few friends and family and back home I had many friends and family arround me. I feel this is the only thing that has changed significantly and has to be with moving into a new country and having too much work. Also has to be with a lack of a girlfriend who is in charge of organizing my social life.

12-What do you think about Dubai? Are you enjoying your life here?

Dubai is one of the greatest places in the world.

Anybody who says the opposite, needs to travel the world and look arround.

Dubai has the highest standards of freedom, safety and quality of living in the world, and you can do all for a very reasonable price.

Multiculturality is also something amazing in Duba, and ease of traveling.

13- Since how many years are you living in Dubai city?

since 2008, so 3 1/2 years now.

Interview: Mohammad Saeed Harib

1- Can you tell me little bit about your work?  

I work as a the chairman of a company called Lammtara which mainly focuses of delivering animation projects namely the middle east’s highly rated animated series FREEJ which I am also the creator and director of. 

2-The idea of FREEJ was it yours or someone suggested it and you liked it? 

the idea of FREEJ is mine, it came as I was a university student. Our professor asked me to create a super hero character based on my culture. I submitted a sketch of a character that resembled my own grandmother. Hence, Um Saeed was born.
3-Creating FREEJ was it a risk that you took or you where sure that this project will take off?

there is nothing that assured me that this project will take off and be a success but in business you do have to take many serious planning steps and study your business proposal and formulate what we call an educated guess. We knew this project was important for the country but we didn’t know if it will be accepted with audiences.

I would have to say the most hardest thing was getting the authorities to buy into creating a cartoon show. Such a medium is very new to the region and many companies didn’t want to take the risk on supporting something untested and expensive.

5-What was the most difficult thing that faced you while creating FREEJ?

I don’t have to stick to anything traditional. Every project has a thing that makes it unique. What is important that we continue to create unique Arabic content and deliver something special.

6-What are the steps that you took in order to get a copy right?

the first thing I did was contact a lawyer who introduced me to the steps of protecting my idea and properly registering it with economic department who takes care of such things. The rest is a straight forward procedure.

7-You work with a team that you picked?

Yes and that’s because I am the chairman of my company and we always try to pick people who are passionate about animation. Every person is hired for a certain skill he or she has. They follow a certain schedule on what has to be delivered and when. My role is to make sure that everyone is working to his best ability and efficiency.

All groundbreaking projects are hard and challenging but I love doing what I do as I am one of the very few people in this country and the region who specializes in such projects and its always fun to create cartoons for a living.
8- Do you like what you do? Is it hard?

All groundbreaking projects are hard and challenging but I love doing what I do as I am one of the very few people in this country and the region who specializes in such projects and its always fun to create cartoons for a living.

9- Who is the biggest supporter of Mohammad Saeed Harib?

Many people supported me throughout my journey but my biggest supporter has to be my father who believed in me and my talent and never told be to pursue the expected career path of business.

10-Do we expect a new thing from you anytime soon?

I am always working on new things but not all of them are shown on TV. In 2010 I created the opening show for the Dubai International Film Festival and I am currently working on my first cartoon with Cartoon Network.

11-What is the most important part of your work?

Leadership and creativity. Our field keeps updating its tools and we need to be ahead of our competitors by applying the latest technologies to our work. I also need to keep the team’s engine running and performing well throughout work, leading them to deliver a unique product every year.

12-What takes a person to be successful?

It takes great determination, knowledge and passion for a person to be successful. He or she must have the ability to learn from their mistakes quickly and always try to innovate. When successful, that person should not bask in his success but quickly move towards his next target and finding ways to better himself.

13-What would you advice a person with a montage creation talent? would he benefit from it?

Yes he will if he puts it to the right use. Talent is not enough if its not mixed with a good understanding of business. This mix is a recipe for that person to be an entrepreneur; someone that conquers all his obstacles in order to be successful.
4-You started with FREEJ something traditional, but if in the future you had to change from traditional to something different in order to move forward with you career, would you do that?

Interview: Hamama Harib (Business woman)

1) How did you start your business Naqsh? 

I had in my university a National day ,they told us to do something creative so I was thinking about using the acrylic that was an idea for only one event, then it became a business plan, and also it became a business that you can find it in many shops in Dubai.

2)What do you think about the people that tried to copy your product and business?

At first I was very angry I talked to them but then I discovered, because I am successful they are trying to copy me but you can see the different between the qualities. 

3)Are you aiming to open another business other than Naqsh? What about your major (film and broadcast) do you have any plans for the future?

For my business Naqsh I don’t think so because my business is going very good and each day it is improving ,yes I have a future plan about my major I am thinking about doing a film but I am waiting to graduate from university so I have time to do this movie.

4)Do you think that you will enter a business with one of your family or you prefer it to be your business?

No I don’t think I will be a partner with any one of my family because I know   we will fight and being a partner with anybody have some problem I prefer to be only me owning my business.

5)About Freej did you help your couzin Mohammad Saeed Harib in anything?
Yes I helped him in volunteering, they give us many work
 Like helping him out in many of his event.

7)Why did you call your business Naqsh? What does Naqsh means?

Many years ago I used to like an account it was called Naqsh, it belongs to a man who seemed as an artist to me, so I was inspired by his name that’s why I called my business Naqsh; Naqsh means ingreeding.

8)Where is the main location of your business?

I have my own machines, and everything I need at home.

Interview: Doctor Madiha Al Hadad

1-  What is anorexia?
Anorexia is an eating disorder where people starve themselves.

 2- What causes anorexia?  

At this time, no definite cause of anorexia has been determined. However researches between medical and physiological fields continue to explore possible causes, genetic, hypothalamus disturbance, feeding problems in infancy, maternal depression, Personal characteristics, and childhood abuse.

What are the symptoms of it    

The symptoms include: Body weight that that is inconsistent with age, build and height (usually 15% below normal)
Some other symptoms are:
Loss of 3 consecutive menstrual periods (in female)
Shortness of breath
Brittle skin

4-What are the problems cause to human?
There are many medical risks associated with anorexia include: Shrunken bones, mineral loss, Low body temperature, irregular heartbeat, permanent failure of normal growth, development of
osteoporosis and bulimia nervosa.

5- What is the solution to get over it?

Proper family care and support, with psychiatrist counselor help.

6- Anorexic people can they recover from if?
Yes, Anorexia can be overcome.

7-To raise awareness and inform people about this disease do you agree that a survey and then a presentation of it is a good way of doing that?

Yes I agree.

 8-Do you agree that the main reason or most of people like 90% is physiological problem? If not then what is it?

Yes I agree.

9-In the US and UAE they causes of anorexia are the same? And do you believe UAE got more anorexic people or US? And why so?

I believe that the causes for this disease is the same everywhere. According to my knowledge there are no accurate studies for this in UAE, but I think it must be more in USA because of the bigger population and the different environment culture. Many experts consider people for whom thinness is especially desirable or requirement (such as athletes, models, dancers and actors) to be at anorexia disorder and this is uncommon here.

10-Do you think that most anorexic people do realize their problem before its too late?  If not most then what percent?

 Maybe yes, that's why most of them recover completely.

11-Anorexia does it mean a definite death to that person?

No, according to US studies, only 10% of anorexic people may die as a result.

12- Is it necessary to interfere in the anorexic’s life to help them, or you think they should just give them the freedom of choice whether to recover or not?

Of course it's necessary to help them; they need allot of support and close care.

13-Do you think that UAE people care a lot about the way they look and about their body’s just enough to go anorexic? Or this is just in US?

We can't say a lot, there are only some adolescence has this problem, maybe changing the life style, the TV channels and the internet play some role in that, others are living in a balanced life and trust themselves in a way that can help them from having such problem.

14-How do you define a perfect body in the anorexic’s eyes? What is a perfect body?

Anorexic people continuo to think they are overweight; they want to be extremely thin even if they become very ill or  near to death.

15-is anorexia transitional?

In the past anorexia considered as a Western culture-bound syndrome, however, nowadays anorexia nervosa, in its culturally reconstructed fat phobic form, is no longer bound to specific Western localities. Instead, it may be conceived as being grounded in the transnational culture of 'modernity', characterized by an internationalized socio-economic stratum now found in many rapidly urbanizing parts of the world, and composed of increased affluence, as well as the globalization of fat phobia and diffusion of biomedical technology.